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Equilibrium - Armageddon

German epic folk metallers prove doubters wrong after surprise line-up changes

If you need something to keep your sword-and-sorcery-obsessed mind on fictional realms of epic sword fights and dragons preoccupied in between your LARP group meetings and your Lord of the Rings marathons, then you’re in luck, German purveyors of epic folk metal Equilibrium are back to deliver their signature brand of uplifting music. Blending abrasive guitars, hugely encompassing symphonic elements and unashamedly fantasy-obsessed thematics, Armageddon sees the group firmly finding their feet following the sudden line-up changes that plagued the band during the release of previous album Erdentempel.

Moving on without siblings and founding members Sandra Van Eldik and Andreas Völkl, Armageddon does well to calm fan’s nerves as it confidently plants its feet back in the realm of heavy-handed folk metal. On the likes of ‘Erwachen’ and in particular ‘Koyaaniskatsi’, symphonic elements are charming and even uplifting, whilst on the likes of ‘Helden’ and ‘Katharsis’, they help drive the track’s forceful natures, with a blackened folk style occasionally dominating proceedings.

Synth-work and keys are used effectively throughout, as one may expect, and these work in conjunction with brutally heavy guitars to create moments of unparalleled bombast. However, despite the undoubtedly merry and at times overbearing level of epic folk, Equilibrium retain a level of classiness the likes of Trollfest never will (and probably never want to) attain, as they remain self-assured no matter how seemingly overpowering their music becomes.

As those who ever studied Media will know, the most common narrative structure sees an equilibrium that is disrupted, before being eventually restored in the end. While it may not be enough to win over some long-time fans that are left with just one original member, Armageddon is a powerful and confidently executed album that shows that despite numerous line-up changes, the band have truly found their own equilibrium once-again.


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