The Golden Grass - Coming Back Again
Brooklyn retro-rockers pay homage to the 70s on second album

Channelling the likes of Deep Purple, Rainbow and Black Sabbath with their retro-style riffs, Brooklyn psychedelic power-rock trio The Golden Grass are masters of instantly transferring you back to the 70s. On second album Coming Back Again, they walk the line between reminiscing and repeating without ever crossing it.
The jazz-infused grooves of opener ‘Get It Together’ set the 70s tone, and for much of Coming Back Again, this formula doesn’t shift. Sure, ‘Hazy Daybreak’ sees a passage of graceful acoustic guitar, and tracks like ‘Shadow Traveller’ see a hint of southern rock infuse The Golden Grass’ sound, but for the most part, Coming Back Again is 35-or-so minutes of fairly predictable, but nevertheless enjoyable, 70s rock.
‘Down the Line’ is unapologetically Black Sabbath-esque as sections of the track bob along with a heavy groove similar to Sabbath’s ‘Fairies Wear Boots’, whilst the hazy guitar of ‘Reflections’ sounds like Ritchie Blackmore’s guitar-work were it put through a laid back psychedelic filter. The Golden Grass utilise these influences throughout lengthy tracks that drift in and out of moments that instantly remind of some of the 70s best artists, meaning they cannot be labelled simple copycats, rather retro-obsessed classic rockers dedicated to reviving the fun of 70s rock and metal.
Coming Back Again is a fun homage to a vital era of rock and metal. You won’t hear anything too fresh here, but The Golden Grass are more interested in worshipping the 70s than building on its foundations in new ways.