Abnormality - Mechanisms of Omniscience
Massachusetts-bred extreme metallers find winning but repetitive formula

Following on from debut full-length Contaminating the Hive Mind (2012), Mechanisms of Omniscience perfects Abnormality's hard-hitting extreme metal formula. Despite the album's insane energy, everything seems carefully crafted so as to not cross the line into a mess of grainy production and overly loud instruments that some extreme metal can become.
The irresistible brutality of the driving grind-infused riffs, killer solos and precise pounding of the drums creates a truly mesmerizing assault. Meanwhile, to help matters, the deep guttural growls of vocalist Mallika Sundaramurthy could not have been more perfectly selected for Abnormality's abrasive style. This is a rock solid foundation, and one that deserves full commendation for its uncompromising viciousness.
The downside, however, is that Abnormality seem very aware of their winning formula, and therefore see no need to experiment with it. Their extreme metal template is stretched to its limits by the end of Mechanisms of Omniscience's near-40 minutes, which is a shame due to the fact that, with a bit of variation, its unrelenting style could have made for a classic.
Mechanisms of Omniscience is out April 29 via Metal Blade Records