King Goat - Conduit
Brighton doom metallers surprise with dynamic and epic debut

Although featuring just five tracks, Brighton doom metal outfit King Goat's debut album Conduit is a 40-minute epic that runs through sinister moments led by lead guitarist Petro and towering highs led by vocalist Trim.
Throughout Conduit, King Goat benefit from a more progressive sound than that of the average doom band, as well as a lack of the sort of fuzzy, distorted guitars that can often become tedious amongst some of doom metal's less imaginative acts. This lack of overly-distorted tones allows King Goat's killer riffs to soar, and showcase how they have progressed from their earlier EPs, both in writing and performance.
This makes King Goat sound more akin to the likes of Candlemass than the likes of Sleep or Electric Wizard, but the inventive prog element (see: 'Flight Of The Deviants', 'Feral King') fleshes out their sound into an original one that rarely suffers from repetition.
Taking influence from traditional doom metal and altering it so as to not simply imitate past acts, King Goat have proven their right to be considered amongst doom's best, and most creative, modern groups.
Conduit is out March 25th and is self-released